Nathan’s support helped me persevere through very difficult times in my healing journey where I might otherwise have given up.

His dedication and genuine compassion, coupled with his confident assurance based on his own personal healing experience, was the antidote to times when I was feeling hopeless.
— John Keefe, USA

Healing Success Stories


Nathan's knowledge of overall health, nutrition, and wellness is astounding. But even more than that, I appreciate how non-judgemental he is. It's easy for some people to get on a high horse about nutrition, but Nathan gently suggests how to change your life and never makes you feel like you're far from a healthier path. He's extremely caring and easy to talk to, and I think that's very special.

— Lindsey, USA

When I had my first consultation with Nathan, I wasn't sure what to expect. But he's so easy to talk to; he makes the experience very comfortable. I felt like he really listened to my concerns and never applied a 'one size fits all' approach. He knew just what questions to ask to help me identify imbalances and negative habits in my life. We worked through some potential solutions that would fit uniquely with me, my needs, and lifestyle; it was helpful. I highly recommend him!

— Lia, usa

Nathan’s dietary suggestions were great and his recipes were wonderful.
He is a very patient and a great teacher!

— marilyn bayer, USa

The sessions helped me shake off set-backs, gain perspective and set out again on my healing journey with confidence. My confidence in my healing journey and ability to heal improved .

— John, USa

In the fall of 2017, I suddenly came down with horrible anxiety and panic attacks that, over the course of four months, became daily and sometimes lasted the entire day.

None of the doctors I saw could pinpoint a reason for this sudden onset of symptoms, and so I was just given prescriptions and encouraged to find relaxing activities.

I connected with Nathan at the peak of this time, just as I was beginning to turn my life over in pursuit of answers.

Nathan’s gentle guidance and deep wealth of knowledge has helped me as I pave my own path, but also has given me insight to allow me to recognize and release some of my patterns of judgement and self-neglect.

He has given me practical ways to detox my whole self—not just my body with food, but my mind, emotional self and spirit as well. My panic and anxiety levels have decreased so drastically, it is often months between episodes. I look forward to seeing what’s next!
— -Kim G, USA