Muneeza Ahmed
Medical Intuitive & Holistic Health Practitioner
Nathan's knowledge of overall health, nutrition, and wellness is astounding. But even more than that, I appreciate how non-judgemental he is. It's easy for some people to get on a high horse about nutrition, but Nathan gently suggests how to change your life and never makes you feel like you're far from a healthier path. He's extremely caring and easy to talk to, and I think that's very special.
When I had my first consultation with Nathan, I wasn't sure what to expect. But he's so easy to talk to; he makes the experience very comfortable. I felt like he really listened to my concerns and never applied a 'one size fits all' approach. He knew just what questions to ask to help me identify imbalances and negative habits in my life. We worked through some potential solutions that would fit uniquely with me, my needs, and lifestyle; it was helpful. I highly recommend him!
Nathan’s dietary suggestions were great and his recipes were wonderful.
He is a very patient and a great teacher!
The sessions helped me shake off set-backs, gain perspective and set out again on my healing journey with confidence. My confidence in my healing journey and ability to heal improved .
Besides Nathan’s incredible knowledge and command of healing information, I was also amazed by the deep and genuine compassionate quality of his heart, his spirit of seeking collaboration in my health as opposed to imposing, talking down, ordering around, or trying to impress me, and truly taking the time to listen to me and understand my history, my limitations, my present state and my goals. Even before applying any of the guidelines we discussed and agreed upon, I walked away from my session with Nathan feeling lighter, more encouraged; believing more in my healing and my body’s ability to heal. Having a session with Nathan gave me peace and fresh eyes. Our session was weeks ago and the peace still lingers within whenever I think back to it. Nathan’s intuition, respect, and depth of emotional support were incredible as well.
I’m not easily impressed by people but I cam away from the session with him feeling wowed by the experience. If you’re someone like me who has been on Medical Medium or other healing protocols for years and still battling stubborn symptoms because you have a more complex case, I’d definitely recommend keeping Nathan in mind if you’re ready to take a step in bringing in practitioner help.